A 44-year-old man with a St. Jude mitral valve was admitted because of
progressive pulmonary edema. He was diagnosed with prosthetic heart v
alve thrombosis (PHVT) based on the findings of ''muffled'' prosthetic
valve clicks, Doppler echocardiographic evidence of severe mitral ste
nosis and transesophageal echocardiographic evidence of limited mitral
valve motility. Because the patient hesitated to undergo our recommen
ded surgical treatment, he was immediately treated with intravenous re
combinant tissue plasminogen activator (100 mg over 3 h) followed by h
eparinization, Two hours after the thrombolytic therapy, the prostheti
c valve clicks became clearly audible and his congestive symptoms were
dramatically improved. Follow-up echocardiograph! no longer showed si
gnificant mitral valve obstruction. A transient cerebral ischemic atta
ck occurred at the end of thrombolytic therapy but there were no neuro
logic sequalae. The patient, on warfarin therapy, was well at follow-u
p 8 months after discharge. Surgical intervention has long been the st
andard therapy for patients with PHVT. Our case experience suggests th
at thrombolytic therapy may be considered as an effective alternative
to surgical intervention for selected patients with PHVT. In this repo
rt, we also review the current literature regarding the indications, e
ffectiveness and safety of thrombolytic therapy in PHVT.