Temporary closure of the abdomen with a synthetic mesh and multiple pl
anned relaparotomies are the essentials of the modern strategy for tre
ating severe intra-abdominal sepsis or pancreatic necrosis. One of the
complications associated with mesh closure of the abdomen is facial n
ecrosis at the Hound edges leading to evisceration, Tension of the str
ictures between mesh and facia called local ischemia, which combined w
ith infection leads to the facial disintegration and separation of the
mesh from the abdominal wall. A modified technique of suturing the me
sh was developed in our department and its technical details are prese
nted. Twenty-four patients treated with the ''open abdominal technique
and planned relaparotomies'' are presented. The new technique was use
d in 9 patients for closure of evisceration after mesh separation.