The top condensate seesaw mechanism of Dobrescu and Hill allows electroweak
symmetry to be broken while deferring the problem of flavor to an electrow
eak singlet, massive sector. We provide an extended version of the singlet
sector that naturally accommodates realistic masses for all the standard mo
del fermions, which play an equal role in breaking electroweak symmetry. Th
e models result in a relatively light composite Higgs sector with masses ty
pically in the range of (400-700) GeV. In more complete models the dynamics
will presumably be driven by a broken gauged family or flavor symmetry gro
up. As an example of the higher scale dynamics a fully dynamical model of t
he quark sector with a GIM mechanism is presented, based on an earlier top
condensation model of King using broken family gauge symmetry interactions
(that model was itself based on a technicolor model of Georgi). The crucial
extra ingredient is a reinterpretation of the condensates that form when s
everal gauge groups become strong close to the same scale. A related techni
color model of Randall which naturally includes the leptons too may also be
adapted to this scenario. We discuss the low energy constraints on the mas
sive gauge bosons and scalars of these models as well as their phenomenolog
y at the TeV scale. [S0556-2821(99)07609-2].