Shock waves propagating through a stratified gas are investigated numerical
ly and analytically. A shock wave is produced by a piston that begins to mo
ve from rest abruptly at some constant velocity in a two-dimensional horizo
ntal duct. Initially the gas in the duct has a temperature or density distr
ibution only along the vertical axis at a constant pressure. The initial de
nsity distribution, which is assumed to change monotonically, has a zero sp
atial gradient at the upper and lower walls and then has a single inflectio
n point. It is confirmed that at least three types of shock patterns can be
realized asymptotically. The first is a single curved shock, the second is
a shock with a Mach stem (Mach reflection), and the last is a shock with a
reflected branch (regular reflection). The first is substantially steady b
ut the latter two are essentially unsteady. The time evolution of the induc
ed flow field is investigated in detail. Based on this information, an anal
ytical solution for the substantially steady curved shock is obtained in th
e coordinate system fixed on the shock. The shock profile as well as the in
duced flow field is investigated in detail with this solution. It is shown
that the analytical results can predict quite well the numerical results. F
inally, the flow instability of this shock-induced flow is investigated, be
cause the induced flow has a nonuniform horizontal velocity distribution al
ong the vertical axis at a constant pressure. (C) 1999 American Institute o
f Physics. [S1070-6631(99)03606-5].