This study examined the base rates, patterns, and configurations of male an
d female prisoners on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MM
PI-2; J. N. Butcher, W. G. Dahlstrom, J. R. Graham, A. Tellegen, & B. Kaemm
er, 1989) validity, basic, supplementary, and content scales and compares t
hem with the MMPI-2 adult norms and with the performance of offenders on th
e original MMPI (S. R Hathaway & J. C. McKinley, 1943). Expectations as to
which scales would show significant and meaningful elevations and effect si
zes were generally upheld. The most prominent MMPI-2 scales are Infrequency
, 4, 6, 9, MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale-Revised, and Antisocial Practices for
both genders, and Scales 5 and Addiction Admission Scale among women. Scal
es 0 and Responsibility scale appeared to be inhibitory scales. Men and wom
en had similar profile configurations, but the female offenders' scores wer
e more deviant than those of the men.