Within-subjects analyses were used to examine differences between resisted
temptations to smoke (either a specific close call or the most common tempt
ation) and smoking lapses among 130 participants lapsing within 1 month aft
er a self-initiated quit attempt. Participants were more likely to report c
oping during resisted temptations than during lapses; those who reported co
ping in both were more likely to report using multiple strategies and combi
ning cognitive and behavioral strategies during the resisted temptation. Pa
rticipants were more likely to report that the lapse was precipitated by ot
hers smoking, but this difference was not significant when the sample was r
estricted to those reporting a specific close call. No other statistically
significant differences were found. Results support previous findings that
the use or nonuse of coping strategies during a temptation to smoke is the
variable most strongly associated with its outcome.