Fluoroquinolones are relatively safe, effective antibiotics. As their use b
ecomes more frequent, so will the adverse side effects. I highlight a rare
but debilitating adverse reaction-fluoroquinolone-induced tendinopathy. Cas
e reports and letters from 1987 to 1998 were identified by using Grateful M
ed and PubMed Internet accesses to the National Library of Medicine. Articl
es were reviewed for clinical practicality. There are few articles on fluor
oquinolone-induced tendinopathy in the US literature targeting primary care
physicians. This entity has been described in many case reports, but littl
e has been done to isolate the causative agents. Incidence of this side eff
ect is difficult to estimate, since no prospective studies are available fo
r review or calculation of risk. Fluoroquinolone-induced tendinopathy appea
rs more commonly in tendons under high stress. The cause is probably multif
actorial. Risk factors for the development of fluoroquinolone-induced tendi
nopathy are age, renal failure, corticosteroid use, and previous tendinopat
hy from fluoroquinolones.