Mmk. Wai et al., VARIABILITY IN BOUNDARY-LAYER STRUCTURE DURING HAPEX-SAHEL WET-DRY SEASON TRANSITION, Journal of hydrology, 189(1-4), 1997, pp. 965-997
The variability of the Sahelian boundary layer has been studied with s
treamline analyses, rainfall measurements, and upper air soundings dur
ing its transition from wet to dry season. The 1992 rainy season ended
prematurely because of the early arrival of westerly troughs over Wes
t Africa. The change in the circulation is related to global-scale atm
ospheric circulations as successive westerly troughs over this region
can be traced back upstream on a planetary scale. Once the upper level
easterlies changed to westerlies, the large-scale circulation brought
the surface northeasterly flow southward, which led to the retreat of
the Southwest Monsoon in Niger. The boundary layer responded quickly
to this transition of synoptic events from wet to dry seasons. During
the wet period, the boundary layer was relatively cool and moist becau
se evapotranspiration dominated, keeping the surface cool and preventi
ng significant direct sensible heating of the boundary layer. During t
he transition period, less extensive showery weather allowed the bound
ary layer to have more time to recover from rainfall episodes, leading
to a warming and drying trend. During the dry period, soil moisture c
ontents dropped rapidly. With more sensible heat flux made available f
or boundary layer heating and energetics, the boundary layer reached i
ts maximum temperatures and minimum moisture contents during the Hydro
logical Atmospheric Pilot Experiment in the Sahel (HAPEX-Sahel) intens
ive observational period. Budget calculations indicate that the horizo
ntal advection and vertical flux divergence terms were most important
during the wet period, whereas during the dry period, the subsidence a
nd vertical flux divergence terms were most important. From wet to dry
seasons, the vertical wind shear of the zonal wind was reduced from 2
3 m s(-1) to 16 m s(-1) consistent with vertical wind shear difference
s between wet and dry years as reported in the literature. Similaritie
s and differences with the First ISLSCP Field Experiment (FIFE-89) bou
ndary layer are also examined. It is hypothesized that the retreat of
the southwesterly monsoon could be upheld by a sustained secondary cir
culation if the wet season rainfall pattern imprints an organized sout
h to north soil moisture gradient maintaining a concurrent reverse gra
dient in surface sensible heating. The boundary layer circulation that
would be established in response to the heating gradient would reinfo
rce surface southwesterlies. as well as reinforcing mid-level easterli
es of which the African Easterly Jet is a part, and thus help uphold t
he intrusion of westerlies and the monsoon retreat. Such a mechanism.
whose effectiveness would be a function of how distinct the south-nort
h soil moisture gradient develops from the wet season precipitation pa
ttern, could help explain the large interannual variability of rainfal
l over the Sahel.