Molecular graph invariants are often used as molecular descriptors in 'stru
cture-property' correlations. There exists an infinite number of graph inva
riants. Most of them are constructed using refined mathematical operations
with graphs and cannot be easily interpreted in structural or physico-chemi
cal terms. So, the problem of the choice of molecular descriptors in 'struc
ture-property' correlation appears. It is known that many invariants are re
lated to each other by strict or approximate formulas. Thus, these descript
ors reflect the same features of molecular structures. So, the following pr
oblem appears: for any finite set of molecular (or arbitrarily labeled) gra
phs, to find a finite set of basis invariants, such that any invariant of t
hese graphs could be uniquely expressed as a linear combination of basis in
variants. A solution of the above-mentioned problem and some examples are p
resented in the given paper. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights rese