Despite the decreasing frequency of gastric cancer in most Western countrie
s prognosis could not be improved by surgery alone in the past. Advanced tu
mor stage due to late diagnosis is one of the reasons for this observation.
Contrary to breast and colorectal cancer, postoperative chemotherapy faile
d to improve prognosis in gastric cancer. Small number of patients in Weste
rn studies, insufficient surgical procedures and the high frequency of loco
regional relapse may be attributed for this observation. Intraperitoneal, a
djuvant chemotherapy showed a positive impact on survival in Asian studies
only, but was also used sucessfully as a part of a multimodality approach i
n Western phase II trials. Since neoadjuvant therapy proved to create downs
taging of tumor size in some patients with advanced gastric cancer some wor
king groups tried to influence prognosis of potentially resectable tumors b
y preoperative chemotherapy, surgical resection and postoperative, adjuvant
therapy in the recent past. However, the efficacy of this therapeutic appr
oach has to be reconfirmed in a controlled, phase LII fashion.