In the Eurasian Arctic, the most common lemming species are the Siberian le
mming (Lemmus sibiricus) and the collared lemming (Dicrostonyx torquatus).
Lemmings constitute the main food item for 5 common predators in the area:
arctic fox; snowy owl; rough-legged buzzard; long-tailed skua; and pomarine
skua. Hence, these predators form a foraging guild. We have studied factor
s influencing the structure of this guild. When comparing cooccurrence of t
he predators between 17 sites across Siberia, there were positive associati
ons between the snowy owl and the two skuas, and a negative association bet
ween snowy owl and rough-legged buzzard. There was also a large variation i
n local population density among the predators, conceivably, due to the ris
k of intra-guild predation as well as the variation in food supply. There w
ere significant relationships between lemming abundance and the abundance o
f each predator. An analysis of the predatory response by the arctic fox in
dicated a response pattern similar to that of a delayed numerical response
to lemming abundance. For this and other reasons, we propose that the arcti
c fox is a resident specialist predator on microtine rodents. Further, the
birds appeared to be nomadic specialist predators with, perhaps, one except
ion, the rough-legged buzzard.