Purpose. This paper examines factors associated with attendance in a Nation
al Cancer Institute-funded randomized trial of nutrition education to incre
ase fruit and vegetable consumption among women served by the Special Suppl
emental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).
Setting. The study took place at 16 WIC sites in Maryland.
Subjects. The participants were 1528 women who were enrolled in WIC or who
had children enrolled in WIC, were greater than or equal to 18 years of age
, and planned to continue enrollment at that WIC site for at least 6 months
(68% of eligible women approached agreed to participate).
Intervention. Women received personal invitations, letters, and telephone r
eminders from peer educators encouraging their attendance at three bimonthl
y nutrition sessions.
Measures. Demographic data were collected in a baseline survey. Attendance
data and telephone and address changes were also collected. The postinterve
ntion survey included a question regarding reasons for nonattendance. Focus
groups were also held to ascertain reasons for attendance or nonattendance
. Chi-square tests of trend and multiple logistic regression, adjusted for
within-site correlation, were used in statistical analyses.
Results. Fifty-four percent of enrollees attended at least one session. Mul
tiple logistic regression analysis showed increased odds of attending with
higher age, breast-feeding, and/or knowledge of the recommendation to eat f
ive or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily. There were decreased o
dds of attending for pregnant women who already had children. There were no
nsignificant trends toward decreased attendance among unmarried women compa
red with married women and among blacks compared with nonblacks. Reasons gi
ven for nonattendance included withdrawal from WIC, moving, conflicting act
ivities, negative feelings about nutrition education,and lack of transporta
tion or child care.
Conclusions. The results suggest that numerous barriers hinder participatio
n in nutrition programs aimed at low-income women. These barriers should be
considered by health care professionals when planning intervention program
s. Overcoming these barriers presents a major challenge.