Despite major insights into the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of congeni
tal diaphragmatic heroin, and despite the availability of an antenatal diag
nosis and continuous progress in neonatal intensive care, little improvemen
t has been obtained in the prognosis of this malformation. Thus obstetricia
ns, neonatologists and pediatric surgeons are still facing a several dilemm
a: dilemma before birth to predict the prognosis, i.e., to evaluate the sev
erity of the associated pulmonary hypoplasia in order to decide whether or
not to interrupt pregnancy; dilemma after birth in case of severe respirato
ry failure to decide how far to go in life support. Based on a review of th
e literature and their ,own experience, the authors attempt to recapitulate
the perinatal management and outcome of this severe malformation. (C) 1999
Elsevier, Paris.