Objective: To examine the association between geographical proximity to the
coast and physical activity participation levels.
Method: Using stratified random sampling, a telephone survey was carried ou
t in 1994 with 1000 adults in each of the 16 health service regions in New
South Wales (N = 16178). Physical activity levels were measured through sel
f-report of the frequency and duration of walking, moderate and vigorous ac
tivities in the two weeks preceding the survey. Logistic regression modelli
ng was carried out to examine the association between physical activity and
'coastal' location of residence, adjusting for age, sex, employment status
, education level and country of birth.
Results: After adjusting for other demographic factors, respondents who liv
ed in a coastal postcode were 23% less likely to be classified as sedentary
, 27% more likely to report levels of activity considered adequate for heal
th, and 38% more likely to report high (vigorous) levels of physical activi
ty than those who lived inland. Each of these associations was significant
at the 0.05 level.
Conclusions: Characteristics of the physical environment in coastal postcod
es are related to physical activity participation.
Implications: Physical environments may contribute to physical activity par
ticipation. Further efforts to conceptualise and measure these environmenta
l influences is warranted. Public health efforts to promote physical activi
ty should consider aspects of the physical environment as part of any inter