Objective: This study described the communication dynamics, identified prob
lems and recommended changes to improve patient follow-up and communication
between Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) and isolated Aboriginal community heal
th clinics (CHC) in the Northern Territory (NT).
Method: In 1995, staff interviews were conducted and an audit of isolated A
boriginal patients' RDH discharge summaries (DS).
Results: Eighteen per cent of RDH DSs never arrived in CHCs. DSs were often
prepared late and more likely to be in CHC records if written on time and
if the referral source was specified. Interviews revealed discontent betwee
n CHCs and RDH regarding: communication. DS documentation, the supply of di
scharge medication, as well as different hospital and community perceptions
of Aboriginies' reliability to carry a DS and CHC desire for patients to b
e given DSs at discharge.
Conclusion: Aboriginal patients should be given a DS at discharge and resid
ent medical officers should be educated as to the function and importance o
f the DS. In 18 months following this study RDH appointed unit-based Aborig
inal health workers and a policy was produced for written communication bet
ween hospital and CHCs, as well as a discharge planning manual for Aborigin
al communities.
Implications. Projects investigating communication between hospitals and is
olated Aboriginal clinics and patient follow-up may result in significant p
olicy changes concerning these processes.