Objective. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is thought to be relativel
y common following extremely distressing life-threatening events. Patients
with liver cirrhosis can experience severe brisk variceal haemorrhage durin
g which they vomit litres of blood and may exsanguinate. We predicted that
a significant proportion of survivors would suffer from PTSD.
Design. PTSD assessment of 30 patients who had a haematemesis of more than
four units of blood secondary to variceal bleeding and were fully conscious
at the time of the bleed.
Method. Structured Clinical Diagnostic Interview (SCID-DSM-III-R) and self-
report measures.
Results. Most found the experience distressing, but only 1 out of 30 patien
ts fulfilled DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria for PTSD.
Conclusion. PTSD in a sample of patients who survived life-threatening vari
ceal haemorrhage is much rarer than might reasonably have been anticipated.
Possible reasons for this low prevalence of PTSD are discussed.