We used C and N stable isotope measurements to identify trophic position an
d feeding histories of fish from Lake Okeechobee, one of the largest lakes
in North America. When delta(15)N values were used to estimate trophic leve
ls, analyses of about 500 individual fish collected in two seasons at five
sites showed that trophic level varied from 2 (herbivore) to 4.3 (second-le
vel carnivore) among the 29 fish species examined. Lower trophic levels pre
dominated among small fish caught at a littoral marsh site, and highest tro
phic levels were found among larger offshore fish. Marsh fish showed about
three times the C isotope variation than did offshore fish, consistent with
the wider array of foods in the marsh versus offshore food web. Ln additio
n to these community-level results, there were often unexpected large isoto
pic differences between individuals in almost all fish species examined, su
ggesting large differences in individual feeding behavior. Isotopic analyse
s indicate long-term differences in feeding among individuals, in addition
to the short-term differences often observed in stomach content studies. Lo
ng-term individual variation in fish foraging may be important in understan
ding variation in other biochemical parameters measured in fish, such as Hg
or PCB contents.