Objectives: We investigated p53 gene mutations in advanced gastric cancers
by direct DNA sequencing, in order to determine the frequency of mutations
in gastric cancers having different epidemiological backgrounds, tumors of
the cardia were compared with those arising in the antrum or corpus. Intest
inal type cancers were compared with diffuse or other histologic types. We
have chosen to assess the frequency of mutations solely based on DNA sequen
Methods: Paraffin embedded tissues from 100 gastric cancers were evaluated.
The mutational status of the p53 gene in exons 5 through 9 were determined
by direct sequencing of PCR products.
Results: Mutations in exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 were found in 35 of 100 (35%) sto
mach cancers. One tumor had mutations in both exons 5 and 8. No mutations w
ere detected in exon 9. p53 gene mutations were significantly more frequent
in cancers of the cardia (19/35; 54%) than the antrum and corpus (16/65 (2
5%)) (p less than or equal to 0.005). p53 mutations were more frequent in i
ntestinal type cancers (28/67; 42%) than diffuse cancers or other histologi
c types of cancer (7/33; 21%), but the difference was not statistically sig
Conclusions: Cancers of the cardia more frequently contain p53 mutations th
an do antral and corpus cancers, suggesting that cancers in the proximal an
d distal stomach evolve through different molecular pathways.