The development of the nitrogen functionality of model chars as a function
of burn-off for gasification in CO2 or in O-2 has been studied by X-ray pho
toelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The type of carbon precursor (sucrose or phe
nolformaldehyde resin) and of nitrogen precursor (uracil, aniline or 3-hydr
oxypyridine), to synthesise the nitrogen doped model chars, did not have an
influence on this development. The high-temperature chars (1373 K) exhibit
N-functionalities attributed to pyridinic nitrogen, pyridones, and oxidic
nitrogen species at the edges of the graphene structures and quaternary nit
rogen incorporated in the graphene structure. With increasing burn-off leve
ls, nitrogen accumulates in the char, especially during O-2 gasification. A
gradual transition from quaternary nitrogen to pyridone and pyridinic nitr
ogen is observed, due to the removal of surrounding carbon. In O-2 this phe
nomenon is more pronounced than in CO2 gasification, and more pyridone is f
ormed due to its association with carbon-oxygen functionalities. A schemati
c model is presented that accounts for the development of the nitrogen func
tionalities and the nitrogen retention. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.