The chicken genome comprises 78 chromosomes which include several macrochro
mosomes and many microchromosomes. Very little information is currently ava
ilable concerning chicken centromere structure and function and it is uncle
ar if the two types of chromosomes share a common centromere mechanism or w
hether this mechanism resembles those in other species. Immunofluorescence
studies using antibodies to mammalian constitutive centromere proteins CENP
-A, CENP-B, and CENP-C and the passenger proteins CENP-E, and CENP-F reveal
ed the presence of each of these proteins at the centromeres of both macro-
and microchromsomes. CENP-A, CENP-B, and CENP-E levels showed variability
between metaphase centromeres while CENP-C and CENP-F levels were relativel
y constant. These results suggest a common centromere mechanism for both ty
pes of chromosomes as well as indicating a high degree of conservation of i
ndividual proteins between widely divergent vertebrate classes and an overa
ll conservation of centromere function throughout vertebrate evolution.