The contrasts between the regulated German and unregulated British approach
es to young adult transitions have been the subject of the authors' previou
s Anglo-German Foundation studies, published as Youth and Work: transitions
to employment (1991) and Becoming Adults in England and Germany (1994). Th
e 'reunification' of Germany from 1990 has involved economic and political
transformations whose effects will shape the future development of Germany
and its place in the Union far years to come. This new study focuses on dir
ections young people in the new Lander have taken in order to navigate thro
ugh new education, training and employment structures and on new transition
behaviours into and out of employment with regard to career outcomes. Far
from 'catching up' with the rest of Germany, the erosion of the Dual System
in the East may portend the future for the Lander of Western Germany. The
issues raised have considerable resonances with the problems and contradict
ions which have beset British education and training policy in the 1980s an
d 1990s.