Multilevel modeling (MLM) should be used when a researcher has collected hi
erarchical data. For example, when a researcher investigates an outcome var
iable (e.g., depression) with several clients drawn from different clinicia
ns, the data set has a hierarchical structure. Herein, we describe the use
of MLM in counseling research. The goals include the following: (a) to spec
ify research contexts where MLM may be applied (b) to describe how to condu
ct data analyses using MLM, and (c) to highlight key statistical and design
issues encountered when analyzing hierarchical data. We also highlight how
MLM can be used (a) to provide valid statistical inference in the presence
of hierarchical data structure. (b) to separate the within-group effects f
rom between-group, effects for predictor variables, and (c) to study the in
teractions among predictor variables drawn from different levels (e.g., var
iables drawn from both clients and their clinicians).