Soil structure, defined as the size and density of aggregates, has been rec
ognized as an important indicator of potential soil productivity. To better
understand the impact of inherent root-soil interaction effects on soil pr
oductivity, we evaluated root growth in soils with known structure. Corn (Z
ea mays L.) seedlings were grown for 33 d in soil columns, with Collamer si
lt loam soil (Fine-silty, mixed, mesic Glossaquic Hapludalf), that was arti
ficially manipulated to create cubical aggregates of different sizes (25 an
d 50 mm, on each edge) and densities (1.4, 1.6, and 1.8 Mg m(-3)). Plant re
sponse was characterized by root and shoot growth. Root length, diameter, a
nd weight were measured in zones within aggregates (intraaggregate pores, o
r micropores), and between aggregates and between horizontal slices of soil
(collectively, interaggregate pores, or macropores). The preferred root gr
owth pathway (within micropores or within macropores) differed with aggrega
te density and was influenced by aggregate size. Length of roots penetratin
g aggregates decreased exponentially with increasing aggregate density. Roo
t growth (length) also shifted from within micropores to within macropores
with increasing aggregate size, suggesting an interaction effect between de
nsity and size of aggregates. Accurate assessment of this interaction may a
llow the determination of the optimum conditions for root growth and, conse
quently, the maximum potential for crop growth in a specific soil.