Multispectral radiometry provides a method for assessing plant light reflec
tance in the visible and near-infrared ranges. Reflectance of narrow wavele
ngth ranges as well as ratios of different ranges have been highly correlat
ed with absorbency of photosynthetically active radiation, leaf area index
(LAI), and plant response to stresses. The objectives of this research were
to determine if data obtained by multispectral radiometry might accurately
correlate with qualitative data (used as rapid estimates of color, density
, and uniformity) typically used in turfgrass research. Furthermore, it was
our objective to determine whether multispectral radiometry could discrimi
nate between stressed and nonstressed turfgrass plots. This research was co
nducted in two consecutive trials during 1997 on seven seashore paspalum (P
aspalum vaginatum Swartz) ecotypes and three hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon d
actylon L. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy) cultivars established on a nativ
e Appling (clayey, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludult) soil at the Univ
ersity of Georgia Experiment Station in Griffin, GA. Reflectance at 661 and
813 nn, as well as the ratios normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI
, computed as R-935 - R-661/R-935 + R-661), infrared/red (IR/R) (LAI, compu
ted as R-935/R-661), Stress1 (R-706/R-760), and Stress2 (R-706/R-813) were
highly correlated with visual turf quality, shoot density, and shoot tissue
injury (STI) ratings, but not with shoot clipping growth. Regression analy
sis also indicated very strong associations with each of these qualitative
variables, but not with shoot growth data. Additionally, spectral measureme
nts at all wavelengths except 559 and 706 nm were able to consistently dist
inguish between wear-treated and untreated plots; This methodology may have
applications in both turfgrass research and management to provide quantita
tive measures with physiological significance to traditional visual qualita
tive estimates of shoot aspects.