The survival of microencapsulated islet grafts is Limited, even if capsular
overgrowth is restricted to a small percentage of the capsules. In search
of processes other than overgrowth contributing to graft failure, we have s
tudied the islets in non-overgrown capsules at several time points after al
lotransplantation in the rat. All recipients of islet allografts became nor
moglycemic. Grafts were retrieved at 4 and 8 weeks after implantation and a
t 15.3 +/- 2.3 weeks postimplant, 2 weeks after the mean time period at whi
ch graft failure occurred. Overgrowth of capsules was complete within 4 wee
ks postimplant, and it was usually restricted to <10% of the capsules. Duri
ng the first 4 weeks of implantation, 40% of the initial number of islets w
as lost. Thereafter, we observed a decrease in function rather than in numb
ers of islets, as illustrated by a decline in the ex vivo glucose-induced i
nsulin response. At 4 and 8 weeks postimplant, beta-cell replication was 10
-fold higher in encapsulated islets than in islets in the normal pancreas,
but these high replication rates were insufficient to prevent a progressive
increase in the percentage of nonviable tissue in the islets. Necrosis and
not apoptosis proved to be the major cause of cell death in the islets. Th
e necrosis mainly occurred in the center of the islets, which indicates ins
ufficient nutrition as a major causative factor. Our study demonstrates tha
t not only capsular overgrowth but also an imbalance between beta-cell birt
h and beta-cell death contributes to the failure of encapsulated islet graf
ts. Our observations indicate that we should focus on finding or creating a
transplantation site that, more than the unmodified peritoneal cavity, per
mits for close contact between the blood and the encapsulated islet tissue.