The search for improved antidiabetic drug therapies must take account of th
e multiplicity of endocrine and metabolic disturbances and the attendant ri
sks and complications of diabetic states. Accordingly, a diversity of new p
harmacological approaches is required. Potential agents to improve and part
ially mimic insulin action include agonists of the peroxisome proliferator-
activated receptor-gamma, vanadium compounds, and possibly in special circu
mstances, IGF-1. Treatments aimed primarily at diabetic dyslipidemia and ob
esity should also combat insulin resistance. Short-acting nonsulfonylurea i
nsulin secretagogues will facilitate the release of extra insulin to coinci
de with meals. Glucagon-like peptide 1 analogs also offer a means to augmen
t nutrient-stimulated insulin release. Postprandial hyperglycemia might be
further targeted with new cr-glucosidase inhibitors and agents that delay g
astric emptying. With a deeper appreciation of the fundamental lesions of i
nsulin resistance, defective beta-cell function, and abnormal glucose metab
olism, novel interventions against these targets are envisaged.