Gene therapy for diabetes can be divided into four major approaches: 1) exp
ansion of beta-cells or beta-cell precursors; 2) engineering of glucose-res
ponsive insulin secretion; 3) altering peripheral insulin resistance in typ
e 2 diabetes; and 4) immune modulation to prevent autoimmune destruction of
pancreatic beta-cells during early stages of type 1 diabetes and to protec
t islet grafts from an immune attack. The pathophysiology of type 1 and typ
e 2 diabetes means that some gene therapy approaches can be applied for bot
h variants of the disease, while others will be specific to each variant. F
or example, insulin deficiency, a prominent feature of both variants, can b
e approached by in vivo or ex vivo insertion of genes that stimulate the gr
owth of pancreatic beta-cells or beta-cell precursors. An increasing number
of genes that are involved in the process of beta-cell growth and differen
tiation are being discovered. Induction of differentiation in early endocri
ne precursors is an attractive, albeit difficult, approach for beta-cell ex
pansion. An alternative is engineering of glucose-responsive insulin secret
ion in non-beta-cells. Substantial progress has been made in this direction
; however, in the absence of intact insulin secretory apparatus, it is diff
icult to achieve tight coupling between glucose stimulation and insulin sec
retion. In type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance increases the secretory dema
nd on failing beta-cells. Recent progress in our understanding of the regul
ation of body weight, adiposity, and insulin resistance, as well as the int
eraction between insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, and beta-cell dysfuncti
on, opens a new window for gene therapy strategies to reduce insulin resist
ance and to protect pancreatic beta-cells. Finally, gene therapy may be val
uable for primary prevention of autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta-c
ells in type 1 diabetes and for the prevention of immune rejection, recurre
nt autoimmunity, and apoptosis in transplanted islets.