Two male bodybuilders were recently arrested by the French customs in Stras
bourg (France) in possession of 2050 tablets and 251 ampoules of various an
abolic steroids. It was claimed that the steroids were for personal use and
not for trafficing as suggested by the police. Urine and hair specimens we
re collected from both suspects to clarify the claims. Nandrolone, stanozol
ol, testosterone and their corresponding metabolites were identified in the
urine of both subjects. After decontamination, the hair was hydrolyzed by
sodium hydroxide in presence of deuterated internal standards. After extrac
tion with ethyl acetate and silylation, the drugs were identified by CC-MS
in the electron impact mode. Hair from both males were positive for nandrol
one (196 and 260 pg/mg), testosterone (46 and 71 pg/mg) and stanozolol (135
and 156 pg/mg), clearly indicating steroids abuse. Although not yet recogn
ized by the International Olympic Committee, hair analysis may be a useful
adjunct to conventional drug testing in urine from athletes. (C) 1999 Elsev
ier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.