Background: A 9-year-old boy was admitted to Jikei University Hospital comp
laining of gradual enlarging of the left scrotal contents.
Methods/Results: Physical examination was significant for bilateral descend
ed testicles. No abnormalities were detected in the testicles or along the
spermatic cords. Scrotal ultrasound showed that hyperechoic shadows were re
cognized in the central area of the left testicle. Subsequent testicular bi
opsy and histopathological examination showed intratubular malignant germ c
ells in the testicular tubules. One week later. left orchiectomy was perfor
Conclusions: Histopathological evaluation revealed gonadoblastoma. Gonadobl
astoma, a rare gonadal neoplasm, is composed of germ cells and sex cord der
ivatives and usually occurs in phenotypically female patients with gonadal
dysgenesis. To date, only three cases of gonadoblastoma have been reported
in anatomically normal male patients with scrotal testicles. We report on a
case of gonadoblastoma unaccompanied by a germ cell tumor in a physically
normal male.