1. Pesticides applied to seeds before sowing may present a high risk to see
d-eating birds. Some of these chemicals are highly toxic but are avoided by
captive birds in laboratory tests. However, evidence for birds avoiding th
em in the field is lacking. The objective of this study is to investigate a
voidance and other factors affecting risk of poisoning, using the model of
wood-pigeons Columba palumbus L, feeding on winter-drilled cereal seed trea
ted with the organophosphorus insecticide fonofos.
2. Wood-pigeons feeding on arable fields in Cambridgeshire, UK, were counte
d once or twice per week over four winters from 1992 to 1996. In autumn, ne
wly drilled cereal fields are shown to be preferred to alternative crops su
ch as stubble and ploughed fields and root crops. In spring, newly drilled
cereal fields are sometimes preferred to older cereal fields, stubble, plou
ghed fields and drilled onions.
3. Fewer fields drilled with fonofos-treated cereal seed were used by wood-
pigeons than untreated (without fonofos) fields for the first week after dr
illing only. The extent of the avoidance reaction was related to the concen
tration of fonofos on the seed left exposed on field surfaces.
4. The concentration of fonofos on newly drilled seed exposed on field surf
aces (mean of 241 mg kg(-1)) was much lower than expected from the approved
application rate (1080 mg kg(-1)). Residues decayed linearly at a rate of
2% per day after drilling and varied widely between fields.
5. The density of seed left exposed after drilling also varied widely betwe
en fields, being greater on headlands (field edges) than the main field and
declining at a rate of 2% per day after drilling.
6. Of 61 wood-pigeons shot within the study area over three winters, 26 had
been feeding on cereal seed and of these, six contained fonofos residues a
t levels similar to poisoned birds submitted to the MAFF Wildlife Incident
Investigation Scheme.
7. In conclusion, fonofos-treated cereal seed may be partially avoided in t
he wild. Avoidance fails to prevent poisoning under some (rare) conditions,
possibly when seed density, concentrations of fonofos and levels of hunger
are all above average. The implications for risk assessment are discussed.