Conventional methods for detecting indicator and pathogenic bacteria in wat
er may underestimate the actual population due to sublethal environmental i
njury, inability of the target bacteria to take up nutrients and other phys
iological factors which reduce bacterial culturability. Rapid and direct me
thods are needed to more accurately detect and enumerate active bacteria. S
uch a methodological advance would provide greater sensitivity in assessing
the microbiological safety of water and food. The principle goal of this p
resentation is to describe novel approaches we have formulated for the rapi
d and simultaneous detection of bacteria plus the determination of their ph
ysiological activity in water and other environmental samples. The present
version of our method involves the concentration of organisms by membrane f
iltration or immunomagnetic separation and combines an intracellular fluoro
chrome (CTC) for assessment of respiratory activity plus fluorescent-labell
ed antibody detection of specific bacteria. This approach has also been suc
cessfully used to demonstrate spatial and temporal heterogeneities of physi
ological activities in biofilms when coupled with cryosectioning. Candidate
physiological stains include those capable of determining respiratory acti
vity, membrane potential, membrane integrity, growth rate and cellular enzy
matic activities. Results obtained thus fat indicate that immunomagnetic se
paration can provide a high degree of sensitivity in the recovery of seeded
target bacteria (Escherichia coli O157:H7) in water and hamburger. The cap
tured and stained target bacteria are then enumerated by either conventiona
l fluorescence microscopy or ChemScan(R), a new instrument that is very sen
sitive and rapid. The ChemScan(R) laser scanning instrument (Chemunex, Pari
s, France) provides the detection of individual fluorescently labelled bact
erial cells using three emission channels in less than 5 min. A high degree
of correlation has been demonstrated between results obtained with the Che
mScan and traditional plate counts of mixed natural bacterial populations i
n water. The continuing evolution of these methods will be valuable in the
rapid and accurate analysis of environmental samples.