Cartilage mechanical function relies on a composite structure of a collagen
fibrillar network entrapping a proteoglycan matrix. Previous biphasic or p
oroelastic models of this tissue, which have approximated its composite str
ucture using a homogeneous solid phase, have experienced difficulties in de
scribing measured material responses. Progress to date in resolving these d
ifficulties has demonstrated that a constitutive law that is successful for
one test geometry (confined compression) is not necessarily successful for
another (unconfined compression). In this study, we hypothesize that an al
ternative fibril-reinforced composite biphasic representation of cartilage
can predict measured material responses and explore this hypothesis by deve
loping and solving analytically a fibril-reinforced biphasic model for the
case of uniaxial unconfined compression with frictionless compressing plate
ns. The fibrils were considered to provide stiffness in tension only. The l
ateral stiffening provided by the fibril network dramatically increased the
frequency dependence of disk rigidity in dynamic sinusoidal compression an
d the magnitude of the stress relaxation transient, in qualitative agreemen
t with previously published data. Fitting newly obtained experimental stres
s relaxation data to the composite model allowed extraction of mechanical p
arameters from these tests, such as the rigidity of the fibril network, in
addition to the elastic constants and the hydraulic permeability of the rem
aining matrix. Model calculations further highlight a potentially important
difference between homogeneous and fibril-reinforced composite models. In
the latter type of model, the stresses carried by different constituents ca
n be dissimilar, even in sign (compression versus tension) even though stra
ins can be identical. Such behavior, resulting only from a structurally phy
siological description, could have consequences in the efforts to understan
d the mechanical signals that determine cellular and extracellular biologic
al responses to mechanical loads in cartilage.