Injury to the central processes of primary sensory neurons produces less pr
ofound changes in the expression of growth-related molecules and less vigor
ous axonal regeneration than does injury to their peripheral processes. The
left L4, L5, and L6 dorsal roots of deeply anaesthetized adult Sprague-Daw
ley rats were severed and reanastomosed, and in some animals, the ipsilater
al sciatic nerve was crushed to increase the expression of growth-related m
olecules. After between 28 days and three months, the sciatic nerve of most
animals was injected with transganglionic tracers and the animals were kil
led 2-3 days later. Other animals were perfused for electron microscopy. Ve
ry few regenerating axone entered the spinal cord of the rats without sciat
ic nerve injuries. Labelled axons, however, were always found in the spinal
cord of rats with sciatic nerve injuries. They often entered the cord arou
nd blood vessels, ran rostrally within the superficial dorsal horn, and avo
ided the degenerating white matter. The animals with a conditioning sciatic
nerve crush had many more myelinated axons around the dorsal root entry zo
ne (DREZ) and on the surface of the cord. Thus, a conditioning lesion of th
eir peripheral processes increased the ability of the central processes of
myelinated A fibres to regenerate, including to sites (such as lamina II) t
hey do not normally occupy. Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and meningeal fib
roblasts in and around the DREZ may have inhibited regeneration in that reg
ion, but growth of the axons into the deep grey matter and degenerated dors
al column was also blocked. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.