The study tests Longstaff's martingale restriction on S&P 500 index options
over the period 1990-1994, Assuming the S&P index follows a lognormal dist
ribution results in systematic violations of the martingale restriction, th
e implied index value from options consistently overestimating the market v
alue. Adopting a generalized distribution, allowing for nonnormal third and
fourth moments, produces economically insignificant rejections of the mart
ingale restriction. A simulation analysis supports the empirical results fr
om the lognormal model in the presence of nonnormal skewness and kurtosis,
Overall, the results support the conclusion that the no-arbitrage assumptio
n coupled with the generalized distribution offers a good working model for
S&P index options over the period studied. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc