Distributed hydrologic models describe both hillslope and channel processes
. The presence of a large number of hillslopes requires that flood routing
through a channel network be computationally efficient and able to account
for hillslope or lateral inflow. This paper presents an analytical solution
to the linearized Saint-Venant equation with lateral inflow uniformly dist
ributed along the channel. The solution is given as the sum of two function
s. The first function, obtained by several earlier authors, represents the
response to the upstream inflow; the second function, derived in this study
, represents the contribution from lateral or hillslope inflow. We test the
latter on a simple channel, and the results compare well with those of a d
etailed numerical model for channels with steep to fairly gentle bed slopes
. The errors due to linearization are presented, and the effects of channel
-bed slope and the reference velocity are discussed. A run time comparison
between the numerical and the analytical solutions shows that the latter is
more efficient computationally and hence is ideal as an element of a distr
ibuted rainfall-runoff model.