Tissue-specific inactivation of a gene using the CreloxP system has been us
ed as an important tool to define its role in which the inactivation of the
gene in every cell type results in an embryonic lethality. The expression
of Cre recombinase (Cre) can be regulated by controlling the timing or spat
ial distribution of Cre expression via tissue-specific promoters, ligand-in
ducible promoters, and ligand-dependent Cre fusion proteins.
The rat insulin promoter (RIP) has been used in this study to drive the exp
ression of Cre, specifically in the beta cells. The Cre coding sequence was
ligated with the RIP and the isolated RIP-Cre transgene was microinjected
into one cell embryo to establish a transgenic mouse line, Tissue specifici
ty of the rat insulin promoter was demonstrated by reverse transcriptase po
lymerase chain reaction using total RNA from pancreas and other tissues of
the RIP-Cre transgenic mice. In addition, the efficiency and specificity of
RIP was further analyzed by crossbreeding the RIP-Cre transgenic mice with
reporter mice bearing a beta-actin-loxP-CAT-loxP-lacZ transgene, In these
mice, lacZ is expressed only after excision of the flexed-CAT gene by Cre-m
ediated recombination.
Here, we present the data for beta cell-specific expression of lacZ in the
bigenic mice, as proof of concept in a mouse model for targeting beta cell-
specific gene(s), The RIP-Cre transgenic mice will be used as a potential t
ool for targeting the excision of beta cell-specific gene(s) to study their
role in islet cell physiology, (C) 1999 Academic Press.