Background. The uremic state is characterized by subnormal platelet aggrega
tion. Fibrinogen fragments, usually absent in normal human blood, but prese
nt in uremic plasma, may play a role in uremic platelet dysfunction,
Methods. To examine this hypothesis, we investigated the availability and f
unction of fibrinogen receptors [glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa] on uremic and
normal platelets, as well as the effect of fragments obtained from chymotry
psin digestion of human fibrinogen on normal platelets. The availability of
fibrinogen receptors was examined using anti-GP IIb-IIIa antibodies and fl
ow cytometry, whereas receptor function was assessed by the receptor's abil
ity to mediate fibrinogen binding and platelet aggregation.
Results. Platelet aggregation and the availability of GP IIb-IIIa were lowe
r in uremic patients when compared with normal controls. Flow cytometric an
alysis showed that Abrinogen fragments decreased the binding of anti-CD61,
an activation-independent anti-GP IIIa monoclonal antibody, to resting norm
al platelets. These fragments also reduced the binding of PAC-1, an activat
ion-dependent anti-GP IIb-IIIa monoclonal antibody, to adenosine diphosphat
e (ADP)-activated normal platelets. In addition, the binding of radiolabele
d fibrinogen to activated normal platelets and platelet aggregation in resp
onse to ADP were both decreased by fibrinogen fragments.
Conclusions. These: findings suggest that fibrinogen fragments impair plate
let function by occupying fibrinogen receptors prior to cell activation, th
us preventing the binding of intact fibrinogen to platelets after subsequen
t stimulation. These observations also suggest a plausible mechanism by whi
ch endogenous fibrinogen fragments present in uremic plasma may contribute
to platelet dysfunction.