Because the Wnt-4, -7b, and -11 genes are expressed in metanephric kidneys
and code for secreted glycoproteins that may serve as mediators of the tran
sformation of: renal mesenchyme to epithelium, we investigated the pattern
of Wnt gene expression in late metanephrogenesis and after ureteral obstruc
tion. Newborn and 10-, 20-, and 60-day-old rats underwent complete unilater
al ureteral ligation or sham operation. The kidneys were collected bilatera
lly 1, 5, 10, 20, or 30 days later. RNase protection assays were used to qu
antify the amounts of mRNA encoding Wnt-4, -7b, and -11, E-cadherin, and cy
tokeratin-19. Renal development was assessed by histologic characterization
of vimentin, cytokeratin, E-cadherin, and beta-catenin distribution. Durin
g normal development, the amounts of mRNA encoding Wnt-4 and Wnt-11 increas
ed during gestation and then abruptly decreased after the completion of met
anephrogenesis, 15 days after birth. In contrast, the amounts of mRNA encod
ing Wnt-7b, E-cadherin, and cytokeratin-19 increased during development and
into adulthood. In neonatally obstructed kidneys, the expression of Wnt-4
was abnormally maintained when obstruction was induced before the completio
n of renal development and was reactivated when obstruction was induced aft
er the completion of metanephrogenesis. Wnt-7b expression was minimally aff
ected and Wnt-11 expression was only transiently affected by obstruction. I
n neonatally obstructed kidneys, the differentiation of mesenchyme to epith
elium failed to proceed normally, with the majority of cells maintaining vi
mentin expression and some differentiated epithelial cells reverting to vim
entin expression. In addition, the expression of E-cadherin and cytokeratin
was increased in epithelial cells. Changes in the expression of Wnt genes
were correlated with histologic changes. This study suggests that Wnt-4 and
-11 are likely to be important mediators of the transformation of mesenchy
me to epithelium in the kidney. Obstruction induced during metanephrogenesi
s disrupts the normal pattern of Wnt-4, -7b, and -11 expression and interfe
res with the normal transformation process in developing kidneys, by mainta
ining the mesenchymal component and inducing the transformation of epitheli
um to mesenchyme.