Terminal and personal mobility are the fundamental characteristics of Nomad
ic Computing. However, personal mobility provides a greater degree of flexi
bility, creating an environment in which a user roams in network without a
wireless laptop or a mobile phone and yet enjoys anytime, anywhere network
accessibility. This work presents Nomad's Personal Access System (NPAS): a
software system at OSI application layer that provides a personal mobility
environment within a virtual, private network, spanning different organizat
ional networks. It implements dynamic association between a user and shared
devices associated with a new location. The dynamic mapping of users to de
vices is achieved using Internet's LDAP distributed directory. The LDAP's d
istributed directory provides services and location data to the network-thu
s incoming and outgoing messages can be easily routed to the current locati
on of a nomad. The ability to know the current location of a nomad increase
s his/her accessibility to and from other people. Therefore, NPAS also addr
esses the messaging services and suggests a solution based on agents. This
work is motivated by the larger project of the Mobile Agents Alliance, a co
llaborative effort that includes the National Research Council of Canada, t
he University of Ottawa, and Mitel Corporation.