Although dementia is described as one of the constituent characteristics of
normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH),alongside gait disturbances and urinar
y incontinence, there is a rather limited number of controlled studies conc
erning neuropsychological deficits in the disease. A wide range of psychopa
thologically relevant symptoms have been described, but the common features
of most cases include mental and mator slowing, apathy, emotional indiffer
ence, anosognosia, memory and attentional impairment. A number of other fun
ctional deficits such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, acalculia, apraxia can also
frequently be found. Some emphasis is put on the work of J, de Mol (Brussel
s) which appears to be most important for the study of neuropsychological s
ymptoms in NPH patients. The methodological standard of a number of studies
has been found to be rather low, and yet a sound neuropsychological invest
igation may be of utmost importance for the diagnosis and neurosurgical out
come assessment. Concerning morphological correlates of the functional defi
cits in NPH,various hypotheses have been formulated, but it is argued that
symptoms can neither be described as predominantly "diffuse" in nature, nor
can they be reduced to unilocular dysfunctions. Recommendations for future
research strategies are formulated.