Chronic primary headache has a considerable impact on the quality of life.
To date, this impact has been evaluated by measurements of the general pain
specific impairment of the quality of life. Headache specific measurements
of quality of life or of disability caused by the headache are still missi
ng for the German language. In America, a headache specific questionnaire,
the "Headache Disability Inventory" (HDI), has been evaluated which is used
in the presented study to create a German version, the "Inventar zur Beein
trachtigung durch Kopfschmerzen" (IBK).94 consecutive patients with a prima
ry headache disorder (59 female,35 male; mean age 40 +/- 12 years) were exa
mined. Cronbach's alpha was a = 0.90,the test-retest-reliability after thre
e months was r = 0.87. An analysis of subscales for emotional and functiona
l disability showed similar Values for the internal consistency and the tes
t-retest-reliability of these subscales. The scores of the different headac
he types did not differ significantly. In post-hoc-analyses, however, clust
er headache showed higher disability scores than migraine both in the total
scale and in the su score of the IBK was significantly correlated with the
number of headache days per month (r = 0.41;p < 0.0003) but not with the d
uration of disease or other demographic parameters. The IBK is the first Ge
rman headache specific measurement of certain aspects of the quality of lif
e in chronic headache patients. It can be used in clinical settings to eval
uate the current state of the patient or to monitor treatment and it can be
used for scientific studies.