Preliminary experiments on calcium-sodium alginate encapsulation of somatic
embryos from anther culture were performed, in order to evaluate the effec
t of this technique on the recovery of plantlets, and the applicability of
the synthetic seed technology to Citrus reticulata Blanco. Frequencies of c
onversion of somatic embryos on plant growth medium were 15.0%, 26.7% and 5
0.0%, respectively, when the somatic embryos were sown non-encapsulated, en
capsulated with a hormone-less artificial endosperm or encapsulated with an
artificial endosperm containing GA(3). Encapsulation with GA(3) was also u
seful for storage of somatic embryos at 4 degrees C for one month; when sow
n on perlite medium, conversion frequencies were 25% with encapsulated soma
tic embryos against 5% with non-encapsulated embryos. Sowing on soil mix me
dium did not result in satisfactory conversion.