We consider a finite capacity queueing system in which each arriving custom
er offers a reward. A gatekeeper decides based on the reward offered and th
e space remaining whether each arriving customer should be accepted or reje
cted. The gatekeeper only receives the offered reward if the customer is ac
cepted. A traditional objective function is to maximize the gain, that in t
he long-run average reward Tt is quite possible, however, to have several d
ifferent gain optimal policies that behave quite differently, Bias and Blac
kwell optimality are more refined objective functions that can distinguish
among multiple stationary, deterministic gain optimal policies This paper f
ocuses nn describing the structure of stationary, deterministic, optimal po
licies and extending this optimality to distinguish between multiple gain o
ptimal policies. We show that these policies are of trunk reservation form
and must occur consecutively. We then prove that we can distinguish among t
hese gain optimal policies using the bias or transient reward and extend to
Blackwell optimality.