The standard version of the coupled ocean-atmosphere model developed at the
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) of NOAA has at least two stab
le equilibria. One has a realistic and active thermohaline circulation (THC
) with sinking regions in the northern North Atlantic Ocean. The other has
a reverse THC with extremely weak upwelling in the North Atlantic and sinki
ng in the Circumpolar Ocean of the Southern Hemisphere. Although the model
has the seasonal variation of insolation, the structure of these two stable
equilibria are very similar to those of a previous GFDL model without the
seasonal variation. It is noted that the inactive mode of the reverse THC m
entioned above is not a stable equilibrium for another version of the same
coupled model which has a large coefficient of vertical subgrid scale diffu
sion. Although the reverse THC cell was produced in the Atlantic Ocean by a
massive discharge of freshwater, it began to transform back to the origina
l direct TNC as soon as the freshwater discharge was terminated. It appears
that there is a critical value of diffusivity, above which two stable equi
libria do not exist. Based upon paleoceanographic evidence, we suggest that
the stable state of the reverse THC mentioned above did not prevail during
the cold periods of Younger Dryas event which occurred during the last deg
lacial period. Instead, it is likely that the THC weakened temporarily, but
reintensified before it reached the state of the reverse THC with no deep
water formation in the North Atlantic Ocean.