This study investigated phosphorus (P) concentrations in Donana seasonal we
tlands in southwestern Spain as the wetlands started to fill. following sto
rm events after a drought. Both soluble and particulate P flowed into the D
onana wetlands through runoff. A gradient in the soluble reactive phosphoru
s (SRP) concentrations was found from the littoral to the pond center follo
wing a 108.5-mm storm. The SRP concentration was 100 times higher 2 m from
the shoreline than it was at the pond center. Neither the incoming. SRP nor
the total P concentrations were related to the magnitude of storm events.
They were always highest during the initial filling periods (first tyoweeks
) and lower after subsequent, even heavier storms (>100 mm) a month later.
Deposited sediments were a net P sink during the initial filling period of
ponds. Samples of fresh vegetation, soil, and manure from a wetland watersh
ed were washed in distilled water for 19 h, and the SRP in the leachates wa
s measured in the laboratory. The highest SRP concentration (1.5 mg gDW(-1)
) was leached from the fine (0.1 mm), organic-matter-rich (25% OM) soil dif
fraction from uplands. The SRP concentration found in pasture soil was 1.3
rag gDW(-1), followed by fresh scrub (1.25 mg gDW(-1)), and manure (0.9 mg
gDW(-1)). Only during periods of heavy rainfall does runoff drain from the
uplands to the basin of the wetland watersheds. Therefore, we conclude that
incoming P concentrations to Donana wetlands vary greatly from year to yea
r according to changes in hydro-meteorological conditions.