Sarcoidosis is a systemic disorder of unknown aetiology characterised
by noncaseating granulomas leading principally to bilateral hilar lymp
hadenopathies, pulmonary infiltration and skin and eye lesions. Sarcoi
dosis may involve other organs, including peripheral lymph nodes, live
r, spleen, nervous and musculoskeletal systems, heart, ear, nose and k
idney. Although the clinical involvement of liver and heart is relativ
ely uncommon, hepatic and cardiac granulomas are present at autopsy in
about 70 to 80% and 25 to 50%, respectively, of patients with this di
sease. The diagnosis of sarcoidosis includes compatible clinical and/o
r radiological presentations and histological evidence of noninfectiou
s and noncaseating epitheloid cell granulomas in the absence of other
identifiable agents responsible for such histological lesions. Disease
course is variable and usually characterised by frequent I emissions,
bur it may become progressive and chronic in a small percentage of pa
tients. The optimal treatment of sarcoidosis remains poorly defined. I
n patients with progressive pulmonary dysfunction as well as in those
with severe extrapulmonary localisations, systemic corticosteroids usu
ally; represent the first approach, limited by long term toxicity and
frequent relapses after treatment interruption. In the presence of ref
ractory or corticosertoid-dependent forms of the disease, antimalarial
drugs or low dosage methotrexate may he used with prolonged benefit.
The indications fur immunosuppressive agents such a; azathioprine, chl
orambucil, cyclophosphamide and cyclosporin are uncommon and limited b
ecause of potentially serious adverse effects and lack of information
on their long term efficacy. In the case of ocular and limited cutaneo
us manifestations, local corticosteroid therapy may be useful.