The objectives of the therapeutic drug monitoring are to assume the efficac
y and inocuity of a medical treatment and the patient's observance. The adm
inistration of a drug to a patient is not always performed in the same cond
itions and therefore treatment has to be adapted. When necessary, this one
is very often based on empiric or very approximative notions and, more seld
om, on results of plasmatic concentrations of the drug. The CAPCIL(R) progr
am allows the possibility to objectivate the medical decision and adapt the
posology on the basis of two kinetic parameters: the biological half-life
and the distribution volume. Indeed, most of pharmacokinetics modifications
(drug interactions, diseases,...) are affecting the two parameters. With b
asic informations so as height and weight, posology, treatment objectives a
nd peak/trough plasmatic concentrations of the drug, the program is proposi
ng several posology adaptation schemes. The example of a once-a-day adminis
tration of amikacin is discussed.