Radiation induced changes in the luminescence spectrum under influence of U
V light, gamma-rays, electrons and protons for several concentrations of Ce
3+ ions as well as Mg2+ ions in yttrium-aluminum garnet crystals were inves
tigated. To irradiate with gamma and electron as grown crystals were used w
hile for proton irradiations the crystals were thermally annealed. For smal
l concentrations of cerium ions (approximate to 0.01 at.%) an increase in t
he luminescence (about 100%) was observed after gamma irradiation with a do
se of 10(5) Gy. This increase was due to the growth in Ce3+ ions concentrat
ion after gamma-irradiation (approximate to 50%), due to the Ce4+ --> Ce3recharging reaction. For highly doped Ce:YAG crystals (0.1 at%, 0.2 at.%) a
lso an increase, but much smaller (4%), for the Mg codoped crystals (0.1 at
.%) was observed. After 1 MeV electron irradiation in the over-threshold ty
pe interaction a decrease in luminescence is observed due to the domination
of the Ce3+ --> Ce4+ ionization process. In the case of the proton irradia
tion, for small fluencies (approximate to 10(13) particles/cm(2)) an increa
se in luminescence is observed due to the domination of the recharging proc
esses of Ce4+ ions. For larger fluencies (>10(14) particles/cm(2)) a decrea
se takes place one to a high level or radiation defects.