In Hf-178 it has been found that some 2- and 4-quasiparticle states can occ
ur lower in energy than members of the collective ground state rotational b
and with corresponding spin. Recent studies of these high-it isomers in the
Lu, Hf, Ta, region have uncovered the existence of surprisingly large tran
sition probabilities between the K = 0 ground state band and the high-K ban
ds which should be forbidden if the K selection rule is valid. For the popu
lation of the K-pi=8(-) isomer in Hf-178 a 2-band K-mixing model is present
ed which reproduces both the long lifetime of the isomer and the strong Cou
lomb excitation. In two scattering experiments at the Munich tandem acceler
ator and at the UNILAC in Darmstadt we searched for excited states built on
the K-pi=16(+) isomer. Micro weight quantities of 10(15) atoms in the isom
eric state have been produced by a Dubna-Orsay-GSI collaboration in order t
o prepare a radioactive target. In both measurements the first excited stat
e built on the K-pi=16(+) isomer has been observed at an excitation energy
of 357 keV with respect to the isomeric state. The intrinsic electric quadr
upole moment of Q(o) = 8.2 +/- 1.1 b has been derived from the experimental
data within the rigid rotor model.