The study examined the psychosocial determinants of coping ability in a coh
ort of 249 HIV positive and HN negative female injection drug users (IDUs),
using a cross-sectional retrospective design. Information collected using
a structured questionnaire included data on psychosocial risk and protectiv
e factors in the personality, family, and peer domains, HIV status, and cop
ing ability. Coping ability was associated with conventionality, greater co
ntrol of emotions, less psychopathology, and family cohesion in both HIV po
sitive and I-IN negative subjects. The psychosocial factors affected coping
in HIV positive and I-IN negative IDUs via two different mediational model
s. The interactional findings supported the influence of risk/protective in
teractions in both groups. The findings demonstrate the impact of the inter
play between personality factors and external support on coping ability in
female IDUs.